How to get a killer storytelling for your Wine Brand?

All efforts of perfecting all the elements of successful wine promotion ideas may be futile if there is nothing to tie them together. Customers notice that something is missing, even if they don’t know what that is. Of course, the quality of the product is vital for a successful business, but the customers often need a little something extra to make the decision to purchase your product. That piece of communication is called storytelling. Storytelling is a broad topic, but we’ve combed through our successful wine marketing plans and picked the most important details to help you fine-tune your brand identity.

Here are some important aspects of a smart approach to storytelling.

A consistent message across the media

The purpose of storytelling is to show a brand in a way that emphasizes its strengths. Just saying “our wine is the best” or “our packaging is eco-friendly” won’t cut it. Wineries need storytelling to show their customers how the elements of their brand are intertwined. Social media presence can indeed be a bit demanding to build because there are so many media outlets. However, a good story can be tailored to any media and still stay recognizable. Think about the story you want your customers to see, or emotions you want them to feel, and build your branding around it. Tracking data is useful, but storytelling is the element of wine marketing that touches people’s hearts. 


One of the first bits of advice for wineries is always to differentiate. But hardly anybody explains exactly how! Don’t worry, we got you. Differentiating shows customers what sets your winery apart from the others. Storytelling is a powerful aid to do that. Identifying what makes a winery unique is the first step. Does the uniqueness lie in your winemaking practices, innovative packaging, values, or in something else? Find that one thing and make it your selling point. Now, let’s say a winery’s packaging is different from the competition. Storytelling is there to make that fact known, and elaborate on it. Instead of just informing the customers that the packaging is different, tell the story about what, how, when, and why your winery embraced the alternative packaging. Stories like these make the brand stand out from the crowd.


Be real

All civilizations of the world have had myths as fundamental elements of their cultures. The thing about myths is that they include a bit of reality in our understanding of the world. Now, many centuries later, we still find ourselves craving realness, especially in the era of fake perfection and fake news. Keep that in mind when constructing a storytelling strategy. Customers don’t like fakeness and empty promises, so it’s wise for wineries to talk about what makes them real, imperfect, and thus human. Tripped and shattered a bottle? Don’t hide it! Share what happened, be relatable. Let your customers know there are real people behind your brand.

Include the customers

Similarly, customers like seeing brands interact with not only influencers or celebrities, but with ordinary people as well. Take time to tell the stories of how your brand works together with local communities, patrons, and consumers. Nobody likes to be reduced to statistics. A brand wouldn’t survive without customers, so include them in narratives that show that they are also a big part of the story. Gone are the days where brands were supposed to be untouchable. We now know the importance of listening to customers’ needs, and there’s no better way to tell a story than listening to ordinary, real people.

Of course, tracking marketing metrics is still important for bringing wine promotion ideas into realization. But we must not forget about the human element behind all those numbers. After all, people are the ones who tap the screen. And why would they interact with a page of a brand they know nothing about? This is why storytelling is so important for wineries. Customers want to know about the values, ideas, and practices of the company they are putting their trust in. To make sure the story is being heard, wineries have to make these stories appealing. The story and the vibe of a brand should be consistent across all media platforms. Differentiating and showing your unique selling points is as important. Finally, good storytelling includes authenticity and realness. And the best way to achieve that is by including the customers in the whole story. In the world of aggressive marketing techniques, stand among the competition by caring about the customers, and showing you care. 

Do you need some help crafting your storytelling? Get in touch and let’s work it out together!

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